Early Start
Starting science in early school years: second to fifth grade. Educating elementary school students about the scientific method, formulating hypotheses from observations, collection of data, tabulation of results and drawing conclusions from the study.
Helping and Judging school projects, and offering awards to the meritorious students.
Train the Trainers
We hold workshops for teachers for panel discussions of their questions, classroom activities, engaging strategies for students and enhancing the critical thinking skills.

Scientific Review
Presentation and Manuscript Reviews by expert reviewers. Our expert reviewers are available for reviewing scientific presentations from elementary school levels to Medical Students and Residents for reviewing the power points, posters, abstract books or complete manuscripts.
Companies with worksite wellness programs experience an 8% increase in employee productivity.
A new survey by Virgin HealthMiles Inc. and Workforce Management Magazine, suggests as much as 77% of employees responded that “health and wellness programs positively impact the culture at work.”

Workforce Development
We offer workshops on ’Wellness to Wellbeing’ workshops for the workforce.

Reading for Science
Contextualized Reading and Science explains and enhances reading strategies for science. We offer workshops on Strategies to learn and retain a scientific manuscript.

Green Health
This training will deliver a palette of tools designed to help the beginners or strengthen and refresh the leaders to understand and control the transformative journey of wellness to wellbeing.
How to accomplish and sustain Green Health. Learn what is Carefully Crafted by our experts:
Organic Foods- style or necessity
Genetically Modified Foods-the scientific truth
Probiotics and Healthy Microbes
Aligning with natural products (without spending any extra time or money).
Health Supplements- Friends or Foes?
Disease causing Microbes –Hand Sanitizers
Hyper or Hypo Vitaminosis
Sleep Kinetics
Smoking or Choking?
Detoxifying your body
Healthy Way of Eating Lunch
Stress Release by Healthy Breathing

TEAS Preparation
Consulting and Training is offered for entrance to nursing program (TEAS). Group workshops are also conducted at various community colleges offering the exam.